Share a live project timeline with anyone
You’ve created a Gantt chart with Ganttify and now you wish to share it with your client to keep them in the loop. You’ll probably go ahead and export the Gantt chart as a PDF or image, create an e-mail and send it as an attachment.

A couple of minutes after you’ve sent the e-mail, something comes up and the project is delayed for two days. The Gantt chart you just created is already outdated before your client had a chance to view it.
Introducing published Gantt charts
We thought to ourselves: What’s better than creating a PDF export of a Gantt chart? The answer was right there: Sharing a live read-only version of the Gantt chart with anyone . No need for your client to create a Ganttify account. You can now simply create and publish a Gantt chart, password protect it, and share the link.

Anyone with this link (and optionally the password you’ve set) can now access a read-only version of the Gantt chart you have created. It’s that simple!
Want to give it a go? Login to your Ganttify account . Published charts is now available to all users with any subscription plan.
Read all about published Gantt charts in our Help Center.