Introducing paid subscriptions for Ganttify
At the end of August 2017, Ganttify will gradually start migrating users from their free accounts to free 14 day Ganttify Pro trial accounts. Visit our pricing page for more details . All existing users will receive an e-mail notification when they're upgraded. Read more about this milestone and future plans below.

Why paid subscriptions?
Ganttify has been a free to use service for a couple of years now. In that time we started off as an experiment project at Tom's Planner , grown into a standalone business and, since about a year now we became an independent company. It's safe to say that the experiment exceeded our expectations and the move towards becoming a paid subscription service has always been our next big milestone for two important reasons:
1. Because we want to build an even better product for you.
Over the last few years we've gained a lot of insight and enjoyed talking with you, our users. You suggested great new features, reported bugs and expressed your love for our product.
Dozens of new features are coming to Ganttify
Now it's our turn to do something back. We've been working on improving the product over the last couple of months including the launch of our newly designed website and improved (and still are improving) customer service. This new step allows us to move forward in a higher pace towards realising great new features (think: dependencies, colored time blocks, icons, Trello Power-Up, two way data synchronisation for Basecamp and much more).
2. Because we want to enable everyone to use Ganttify
The vision we have for Ganttify is that no matter what project management software you're already using, we will always be able to add the convenience and power of Gantt charts to it by functioning as a powerful addition application. We started off with Google Calendar and soon thereafter we've introduced integrations for Basecamp 2, Basecamp 3 and Trello.
Besides introducing new and powerful features for the existing integrations we already support we're also working on the support of dozens of new integrations which will be released gradually over the upcoming year.
All these plans, features, improved support and creating partnerships with new integrations require us to greatly invest time and effort in Ganttify. To be able to realise all these great features for our users and stay a viable company, we decided to move on to subscription plans. Visit our pricing page for more details about the new subscriptions or, if you don't have an account yet, go to our website to create a Ganttify account. The first 14 days are on us.
Thank you
Finally, I personally wanted to take this opportunity to thank you, the Ganttify users. Thanks to your great feedback, tons of patience and most importantly enthusiasm.
Have a great day,
Robin van Baalen
Co-founder and CEO of Ganttify